About Us
To solve any existing problem and to ensure growth thereafter, it is extremely important to figure out the root cause for the existance of that problem.

What We Work On



Even though we are ‘selling’ our ideas every day impeccably, sales teams often struggle to sell their products or services – and the organisation leaks potential revenue. We help sales teams increase efficiency.
An organisation grows if it’s leaders are adept. And unless our leaders are prepared for the future, the organisation loses its sheen and stagnates. Thus any organisation seeking to lead the market must invest in its leaders. We help leaders
‘lead’ with excellence.
Culture outguns strategy every time, and unless organisations inculcate the culture of growth, innovation and cohesiveness amongst its employees, it will not be able to sustain. We work with management to develop organisational productivity.
Even a business coach needs to practice what he preaches. In search of a way to take my own advice, Col. Sudip arrived in my world by way of a friend and trusted colleague. Even from this person’s introduction, in no way could I anticipate the transformation he would facilitate during our first round of engagement. This was a bare-bones, deep dive introspection to move from aspirational persona to actualized persona.This required a “white-belt” attitude with that level of effort. For our second engagement, we turned that vision into actionable steps, realigning current business and personal practices to achieve the goals and cement success.
Sean LewisFinancial Consultant
Col.Sudip is a master at assessing human behaviour and has a scientific way for helping a client identify and resolve their personal roadblocks.At a critical professional and personal juncture in my life, I had the opportunity to attend one of his workshops and things turned for me from there.His workshops are based on extensive updated research delivered with an impeccable technique, making them relevant to everyone who is a part of them.I shall always stay indebted to him for guiding me through my challenges and being instrumental in helping me take the right career moves.
Dr.Sakshi MehrotraPsychology Professor
Col. Sudip has a unique combination of three ingredients - deep understanding of human psychology, a vast business expertise and a military discipline - which ensures that he intuitively understood what personal challenges I was going through, share a customised plan of action that I could implement and grow in my business. Thanks to his belief in me, I was actually able to win projects at 2X the value than what I would have normally charged. Working with this master of the mind, has perhaps been an invaluable investment!
Prateek ModiCEO Modifyed Digital
I have had the pleasure of working with the Colonel through the University of Buffalo School of a Management Studies Centre for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
His personal coaching sessions are so powerful that a 20 minute session with the Colonel is as impactful as hours spent with many traditional business coaches.
Tom UlbrichCEO Goodwill of Western New York
It is all really interesting, and I think I have started to notice people in my daily behavior it's now becoming unconscious. The moment somebody speaks in fact and that is helping a lot.
Tarun KalraSenior Operations Professional
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8,500 +
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